Find out how TSSA fights for better pay and conditions for you
TSSA believes that all workers are entitled to good pay and other conditions of employment and should be treated fairly regardless of:
- age
- disability
- gender reassignment
- marriage or civil partnership
- maternity or pregnancy
- race
- religion or belief
- sex
- sexual orientation
This can best be achieved through collective bargaining. On your own you have little leverage to get your boss to give you a raise, together we have real power. Without a union unfair practices can creep into pay decisions.
TSSA presents regular claims to employers for improvements to pay and other conditions of employment. Before doing so the views of members are sought through their staff reps. Reps can prioritise improvements before making the formal submission to the company.
We negotiate with many companies covering different bargaining groups – groups of employees covered by the same agreement TSSA has with employers. To be effective it is important that TSSA is representative – this means strength in numbers!
If you’re interested in what’s happening in your company, any development on pay and conditions are reported in the company pages part of this website.
Find out more
Achieving equal pay and ending low pay continue to present major challenges for the trade union movement and TSSA is committed to playing its part. More information on these problem areas is available from:
- National Minimum Wage (NMW)
- Low Pay Commission
- Living Wage Campaign
- Equality & Human Rights Commission
- Fawcett Scociety
More detailed information on Equal Pay is also available in the Equalities area of this website.