Artwork showing 10 women in a wide variety of body shapes, races, clothing styles and abilities. Text reads TSSA women's group.

Women's ForumWomen's Forum

TSSA Women's Forum

This network is a safe space for women members to support and empower each other, share best practice from across the UK & Ireland Travel and Transport sectors, campaign for equality in the workplace and wider community as well as developing policy and campaign ideas for TSSA.

Meetings will be held quarterly.

If you would like to get involved in the meantime, please contact:

Your Women's Forum Officers

Katrina Faccenda

Women's Forum Chair. Scottish Divisional Council Women's Officer.

Lesley Pollock

Women's Forum Secretary. Correspondence Secretary, West Scotland General branch. Lesley produces the Disability Working Group's newsletter.

Nicola Jukes, TSSA Executive Committee member

Nicola Jukes

Women's Forum Treasurer Nicola is also our representative to Labour's NEC.

Gemma Southgate. She has brown hair and eyes and glasses. She is smiling.

Gemma Southgate

Wales & Western EC Rep. Women's Forum Treasurer, Chair of Wales No 1 Branch. TSSA rep on the Labour National Policy Forum. Gemma is a Management grade rep at TfW.

Find out more about TSSA's women's work

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