Photo of TSSA Emix group holding Stonewall LGBT meeting materials

Member equality groups

About these groups

TSSA is committed to celebrating and promoting equality and diversity in our union and workplaces.

Our member equality groups in TSSA are called Self Organised Groups (SOGs) and they are a key part of our equality agenda. The SOGs campaign to address inequality in the transport and travel industries and wider society, but also tackle the traditional under-representation of various groups within the union movement. With the help of our SOGs, TSSA is building a union that is more representative and diverse.

The SOGs are founded and organised by groups of members themselves. The first self-organised group, Women in Focus, was established in 2000 by a group of women members with the dual aim of challenging patriarchy within society and within the trade union movement.

In the last twenty years TSSA has increased the prominence of our work on equality and diversity and become an industry leader on equality. Since the pioneering work by Women in Focus, a number of other SOGs have emerged, you can find them all below.

The SOGs campaign on key issues affecting members facing discrimination. These groups are funded by TSSA and supported in their efforts by our full-time staff.

With the support of our SOGs, TSSA has become an industry leader in equality and diversity issues and through our equality agenda we are creating more inclusive and diverse transport and travel industries.

Member equality groups

If you are a TSSA member and you identify with any of the below groups you can join a member equality group.

Photo of people holding up 'No to hostile Britain' posters from TSSA BAME Emix group at TSSA HQ


We represent Black, Asian and other Ethnic minorities for all members and levels within the TSSA family.

Ten young people of various genders and ethnicities gathered around a Future TSSA pop up stand.


futureTSSA is young members organising for young members around young members' issues and campaigns.

TSSA & Network Rail together at Pride


Building LGBTQ+ equality in the workplace.

Retired Members Group members at TSSA conference 2021

Retired members

Retired members remain an important part of the TSSA community. Find out more and how to join.