About this self organised group
Welcome to Emix Reloaded. We are a Self-Organising Group representing Black, Asian and other Ethnic minorities for all members and levels within the TSSA family.
Our aims are to promote equality and opportunities within all levels in the workplace and within the union. We do this through:
- Debate and discussion and helping to shape future policy through motions at annual conference and other forums.
- Promotion of cultural events organised within the union and in partnership and collaboration with like minded external partners and organisations.
- Identifying and combating perceived workplace discrimination particularly in areas surrounding promotion and career advancement.
- Helping the union to grow by recruitment of new members and campaigning using printed and visual media and utilising online presence.
Our values are based on our ability to assist and champion the everyday concerns of Emix members which despite equal opportunities legislation over the last 50 years, remains a constant struggle for proper recognition of our abilities and ambitions.
Please join us as we embark on our journey for recognition, equality, diversity and the respect that our members deserve.
For further details of our activities and meetings please contact the official Emix Email address at: emix_reloaded@tssa.org.uk
BAME & EMIX events
BAME Blog posts
Find out more

Find out more about TSSA's BAME work

Feedback from E-Mix Reloaded's Social Event
E-mix Reloaded organised a social event at TSSA's annual conference. Here's what some of the attendees said about it.

They want to see me shine - Boilermakers' diversity work
"They want to see me shine" TSSA's E-mix group meet the Boilermakers' Erica Stewart & Martin Williams - be inspired!