Five arms with different skin tones with hands locked on wrists representing racial equality.

E-mix Officers

Find out about the E-Mix Reloaded Committee

Meet your E-mix Reloaded officers

Gillian Pitter a black woman with greying hair, wearing a red shirt and glasses with black frames. She is smiling at the camera.

Gilian Pitter

E-Mix Reloaded Chair

Anand Pillar, a middle-aged Asian man with greying hair in a red sweater. He is holding a white sign with the word "NO" on it in red.

Anand Pillai

Anglia and London North East EC rep E-Mix Reloaded Vice Chair

Roger Carrington, a bald black men wearing a blue button down shirt, with open collar and no tie, and a casual black jacket with white trim. He is laughing at the camera.

Roger Carrington

E-Mix Reloaded Treasurer

Mary Sithole, a black woman with natural hair held back with a head band. She has a gap between her two front teeth and is smiling at the camera.

Mary Sithole

TSSA Treasurer. Mary is a Customer Service Assistant at C2C. She is a Company Rep, Health and Safety rep and is the Correspondence Secretary for E-Mix.

Richard Paul, a young black man with very short hair, and a beard. He is wearing a pale blue polo shirt.

Richard Paul

E-mix Auditor

Dinesh Bhardwa, an older Asian man with grey hair and rectangular glasses, looking directly at the camera.

Dinesh Bhardwa

E-mix Reloaded Local Organiser

A black-and-white photo of Abdul Ajayi, a bald black man with sunglasses resting on his forehead. He is wearing a spotty shirt with a black collar and looking calmly at the camera.

Abdul Ajayi

E-Mix Reloaded Auditor

Tahmid Tonmoy, a young Asian man with a stubble and a chin dimple. He is wearing a grey shirt with a white collar and a yellow and orange scarf. He is looking at the camera.

Tahmid Tonmoy

E-Mix Reloaded Local Organiser