TSSA campaigns on issues that affect our members both in the workplace and in their everyday lives. Get involved today.
Getting noticed
TSSA is a campaigning union. From workplace to national policy issues, we stand up, speak out and rally around our campaigns for our members.
We have strong policy positions on fairness at work, climate change, safety of workers, and what our members want their industries to look like. We campaign on all these issues and more, securing media coverage, social media publicity, and engaging our members and others across the transport and travel industries and wider society. We do this to influence politicians and decision makers, and we've had some great successes along the way.
Our campaigns
Why Graduates and Apprentices should join TSSA
Reasons graduates and apprentices working in the transport sector should join TSSA
Stop Violence Against Transport Workers
Information on TSSA's campaign to stop violence against Transport Workers.
Our Rail Our Future
Our dispute with Network Rail and DfT train operating companies over pay, job security and Terms and Conditions
Future of Rail
TSSA’s aim is to make the case for a future of rail that works best for passengers, staff and the environment.
Inclusive Rail
Find out about our campaign to make the railway more LGBTQ+ inclusive.
Save London's Public Transport
Transport for London is facing severe cuts. Join our campaign to get proper funding for London's transport network.
TSSA 125
TSSA125 – celebrating the 125th anniversary of the founding of TSSA in Sheffield in 2022
Together for Eurostar
A joint campaign to save Eurostar, our green link to Europe
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