Pay, Pensions and Policies Campaign
Fighting for Pay, Pensions and Policies in TfL
TfL policy review
TfL has made clear its intention to begin a review of many key HR policies, including the Restructuring and Staff Reductions Policy (RSRP), which governs the way in which consultation on organisational change, or ‘Transformations’ are conducted, and other key policies such as disciplinary, grievance and bullying and harassment.
TfL’s proposal for the new RSRP policy seeks to strip staffs’ rights to the very statutory minimum, reducing the time for consultation and even removing collective consultation rights in some circumstances. It is also seeking to undermine the current voluntary severance arrangements.
TfL’s policy review is a fundamental attack upon the rights and protections of all TfL staff. Their talks of “principles-based” and increased “flexibility” means giving managers freedom to discipline, hire and fire staff, with far less scrutiny and guidance. This leaves individual staff members much more vulnerable to inconsistent and unfair treatment and leaves managers more exposed to grievances and tribunal claims
Fighting for Pay, Pensions and Policies
Following a pay freeze and below inflation pay rises for 2022-24, TfL staff are now facing an attack on their pensions and a fundamental attack on key policies. Over the next year it is vital that we stand together and alongside our colleagues and union members across TfL, including London Underground and RfLI (Elizabeth line) to defend members and to fight for fairness. Increasingly ExCo is distant and out of touch with staff, including senior managers.
TfL pension review
As you will know, the date for TfL to publish their proposals for the TfL Pension Fund has been postponed until 17 March 2023.
Previously TfL has stated that there are “no proposals to change the scheme”. However, this is disingenuous; the Barber Report and TfL response document contained options that if implemented, would raise the cost of pension contributions for TfL//LUL workers. This could involve all TfL staff paying a higher flat rate percentage (up from the current 5%) or moving higher earning workers into higher percentage contributions via a ‘tiered’ approach. Either of these options would involve a decrease in take-home pay, off-setting any pay increases. Those staff whose salaries have been frozen, including many pay band one staff, will also see the value of their pensions reduce year on year.
TSSA is well represented on the TfL Pensions Working Group and is working with our sister unions to defend and protect pensions.
Fighting for fair pay
Following TfL’s withdrawal from pay talks and decision to impose its offer for 2021-22 and 2022-23, TSSA will continue to campaign and organise for fairness and parity in pay across TfL. With that in mind, we have secured key gains in these pay talks. Firstly, as a result of TSSA’s hard work the deeply devisive, unfair and opaque Pay for Performance system imposed in 2015 has been suspended, and TfL has committed to talks with the trades union to review and revise the pay system.
Secondly, we negotiated a minimum consolidated pay increase and a one-off payment for the lowest paid staff in TfL.
And thirdly, has agreed to increase to the pay band minima the salaries of all those staff earning less than the minimum, and then to apply the 4.4% pay increase. This should bring to an end – once and for all – paying TfL staff below the bottom pay band. This will apply to all TfL staff, including senior managers.
Talks between TfL and trades unions to develop a new and fair pay system for paybands 1-3 and senior managers must start immediately. A joint review of the pay and grading system has been part of the TSSA pay claim since 2016 and today, at a meeting of the Senior Manager Consultation Forum we pressed TfL to begin consultation on a review and revised pay system for senior manager to start as soon as possible. Pay for Performance and the Senior Manager Reward Framework are not fit for purpose and staff are continuing to leave TfL, leaving vacancies and creating huge workloads and pressures for remaining staff.
As well as pressing TfL and ExCo to be clear about their plans to implement a fair and transparent pay system, in consultation with TSSA, our reps will support and represent members locally and individually on matters such as to pay parity and job evaluation. Please contact your local reps if you wish to pursue such cases or want guidance.
TSSA’s membership has grown significantly over the last 5 years; by over 50%. If we are to grow our influence and impact in TfL then we need to grow our membership. The next year will be very challenging staff, with attacks on our pensions, terms and conditions and key policies. We will fight hard, with your support, to protect members and TfL staff’s right and benefits. With a growing membership we can do that much more effectively.
If you have colleagues who aren’t already members, please encourage them to join TSSA today. It really has never been so important to join TSSA.
TSSA in TfL Pensions Leaflets November 2023
TfL Pension Funds: Shift Workers and Longevity!
TfL - Effect of Pay Frameworks on Pensionable Pay
TfL Pension fund: How it works in London Underground
TfL Pay, Pensions & Policies Documents
Template letter to line manager requesting letter confirming pay rise
TfL Restructuring and Staff Reductions Policy June 2011
Proposed Restructuring and Staff Reductions Policy TfL
Comparison between Current RSRP and New Draft RSRP - TfL

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