TSSA conference delegates voting with hands in the air

Annual Conference live updates

TSSA Annual Conference 2021 live updates direct from the conference floor.

Saturday 18 September 2021 12.00 - 13.00

Introduction to conference

President's address

Afternoon Conference and on behalf of the TSSA welcome to Birmingham or welcome to your front room, kitchen or garden.

Well it’s been a while since we’ve done this, and what a two and a bit or so years it’s been. And not a great deal for the good to be honest with you. A deadly pandemic, a Tory majority, threats to jobs and sadly the loss of some good comrades both to covid and otherwise.

The world is a very different place to the one we left in June 2019.

And whilst there is much to say I intend to keep this brief so we can get on with much more important business.

We look at where we are in industries we organise and to see the devastation the pandemic has caused.

A travel sector on its knees. People queueing to take VS packages across the rail industry and TfL used as a political football by government and the London Mayor to the detriment of the travelling public.

The president addressed the upcoming closed session.

And to finish, a warning to the Labour party.

A Labour government is and remains the only electable government for working people. But our support is not unconditional.

Clearly Keir has not had the bounce he expected. Swathes of seats lost across the North East breaks my heart. My homelands that I never thought would vote Tory positively embrace them.

Starmer needs to stop attacking his own members and rebuild trust. And he can start by reinstating the whip to Jeremy Corbyn and publishing the Forde report.

Conference will be different this year, no doubt about it. But I suspect we have never faced a more important one. Wherever you are, enjoy Conference.

EC Presentation and Q&A: TSSA Strategic Plan (Closed Session)

Saturday 18 September 2021 Afternoon 15:00 - 18:00

Discussion on Em1  (Closed session)

Sunday 19 September Morning 10 -1230

10am Sunday SOC meeting with branches for emergency amendments to EM1

EC Presentation and Q&A: Covid and the Recovery of the Rail Industry and Public Transport

11am Conference reconvened 

Times of debates are likely to change

2 Minutes of 2019 Conference Agreed

TSSA President introduced the EC and thanked retired EC members

3 Announcement of election results 

SOC Next year: Luke Howard, Gerry Kennedy, Steve Legget, Joe Kavanagh 

5 Remembrance of deceased members

Since 2019 it's been torrid times for many in our industry. Since we last met we've lost 45 employees in TOCS and London Transport, and many more in buses and other industries across the country. Belly Mujinga lost her life to covid after being spat at by a man in her place of work.

Non-related we also lost Claude James - the first black man to be elected to the EC of any transport union. 

A moment of silence in their memory was observed. RIP

6 Stewards report on attendance: 33 delegates in the room, 16 delegates online.

Continuance of debate in closed session on EM1

Sunday 19 September Afternoon 1400 - 15:15

Closed debate and vote on Em1 


Sunday 19 September Afternoon: 15:15 onwards

Treasurers Report (closed session)
Items 44, 45 and Em2/3

Rule Change Amendments (closed session)
Item 52
Rule Amendments 28 -43

Monday Morning 20 September 2021

7 Housing
Move Anglia South General  Second Disability Working Group
EC Support
Motion 7 Carried

8 National Care Service
Move Retired Members' Group  Second Lancs and Cumbria General
EC Support
Amendment A Move Midlands Retired
EC Support - RMG Oppose
Amendment A Carried
Amendment B Move Disability Working Group  Second Southeastern Metro
EC Support 
Amendment B Carried
Motion 8 Carried

9 Scotland
Move Scotland Retired
EC Support 
Motion B Carried

10 Anti-Racism
Move Euston  Second Scotland Retired
EC Support 
Motion 10 Carried

11 Unemployment
Move Network Rail North London
EC remit/oppose
Motion 11 Remitted

12 Banking Services
Move LT Retired  Second Retired Members Group
EC Support
Motion 12 Carried

13 Banking Services
Move London & Southern Retired  Second Irish Committee
Supported by Retired Members Group
EC Support
Amendment withdrawn
Motion 13 Carried

A Covid and Transport Workers (Composite of items 14, 16 and 17)
Move Southeastern Metro  Second London Bus & Rail Operators
Supported by: Midlands General, Network Rail Anglia North, Network Rail Anglia South
EC Supports
Composite Motion A Carried

14 Covid and Transport Workers
Withdrawn for composite A

15 Covid and Transport Workers
Move Scotland North and East General
EC Remit/Oppose
Move Midlands Retired
EC Remit/Oppose

16 Covid and Transport Workers
17 Covid and Transport Workers
Withdrawn for composite A

18 Covid and The Travel Trade
Move West of Scotland  Second Disability Working Group
EC Support
Motion 18 Carried

19 Covid and Women Workers
Move Women in Focus
EC Support
Lancs & Cumbria General
EC Oppose
Amendment lost
Motion 19 Carried

20 Covid and Women Workers
Move North East Operations  Second Women in Focus
EC Support
Motion 20 Carried

Composite B - Covid and Public Transport (inc Composite of items 22 and 23)
Move Lancs & Cumbria General  Support Crewe & Cheshire General
EC Support
Composite B Carried

21 Covid and Public Transport
22 Covid and Public Transport
Withdrawn for Composite B

23 Covid and Public Transport
Move London Bus and Rail Operators
EC Support
Motion Carried

24 Covid and Disabled People
Move Disability Working Group  
Motion Carried

25 Covid and Public Accessibility

26 Covid and Loneliness
Move FutureTSSA  Second LT Retired
EC Support
Network Rail North London
EC Support
Motion Lost

Su2 TfL Funding
Move TfL Central  Underground No.1
Supported by London Bus & Rail Operators
EC Support
Motion Carried

27 Covid and TfL Resilience
Move LT Retired  Support Disability Working Group
EC oppose 
Motion Carried

47 TSSA Organisation

Move TfL Central  Second Network Rail Milton Keynes
EC Oppose

48 TSSA Organisation
Move North East General  Second Women in Focus
EC Oppose
Motion 48 withdrawn

49 TSSA Organisation
Move TfL Central  Second Crew & Cheshire General
EC Support
Motion 49 Carried

50 TSSA Organisation
Move Lancs & Cumbria Retired  Second London & Southern Retired
EC Oppose
Move West of Scotland General
EC Support
Amendment A accepted
Move South East Wales General
EC Oppose
Amendment B fell
Motion 50 carried with Amendment A

51 TSSA Organisation
Move Retired Members Group
EC Oppose
Motion 51 Carried 

53 TSSA Democracy

Move North East Operations
EC Oppose
Motion 53 Lost

54 TSSA Democracy

55 TSSA Democracy
Move Network Rail North London  Second Network Rail Milton Keynes
EC Oppose
Motion 55 Lost

Su1 Education
Move London Metropolitan
EC Oppose
Motion Su1  not carried

Su3 Accessibility

Move Disability Working Group  Second North East General
EC Support
Supported by Lancs & Cumbria General, North East General, Retired Members' Group
Motion Su3 Carried

56 TSSA Conference Elections
Move Executive Committee
EC Support
Motion Carried

57 TSSA Annual Conference
Move Midlands Retired
EC Oppose
Motion lost

Break till 12:45

Monday 20 September 2021 Afternoon

Cheryl O'Brian welcomed as 5th member of next year's SOC

58 TSSA Diary
Move Midlands Retired
EC Support
West of Scotland
EC Support
Amendment carried
Motion 58 Carried

59 TSSA Credit Union
Move TfL Central
EC Oppose
Motion 59 Lost

60 TfL Pension Fund
Move LU Mats & Operational Managers
EC Support
Motion Carried

61 Maternity Discrimination
Move Women in Focus
EC remit/oppose
Motion Carried

62 Apprenticeships
Move Future TSSA  Second North East General
EC Oppose
Motion Carried

63 Home working
Move Lancs & Cumbria General
EC Suppport
Move LT Retired
EC Support
Amendment Lost
Motion 63

5 min Break till 13:35 

64 Labour Party
Move London Bus and Rail Operators  Second North West Retired
Supported by Midlands General
EC Support
Motion Carried

65 Labour Party
Move Euston Branch
EC Oppose
Move South East Wales General
EC Support
Amendment fell
Motion Carried

66 Labour Party
Move Kent
EC Oppose
Move Anglia South General
EC Oppose
Amendment Carried
Motion 66 Carried

67 Labour Party
Move Southeastern Metro
EC Support
Move Euston
EC Support
Amendment accepted
Motion 67 Carried

Em4 Labour Party
Move TfL Central  Second Women in Focus
Supported by Southeastern Metro
EC Support
Motion lost

68 Labour Party
Move LU Mats & Operational Managers
EC Support
Motion Carried

69 International Relations
Move Network Rail North London
EC Support
Move Anglia South General
EC Support
Amendment Accepted
Motion Carried

70 European Relations
Move London and Southern Retired
EC Support
Motion Carried

71 Parliamentary Scrutiny of Trade Deals
Move North East General
EC Support
Motion Carried

72 The Economy and Society
Move Anglia Southern General  Second London North
EC Support
Motion Carried

73 Cop26 and the Green New Deal
Move TfL Central
EC Support
Move Kent
EC Oppose
Amendment carried
EC now oppose motion
Motion Carried

74 Climate Change and the Railways
Move Kent  Second London Bus & Rail Operators
EC Support
Motion carried

75 Transport Policy - Public Ownership
Move Irish Committee
EC Support
Motion Carried

76 Transport Policy - Cross Border Funding
Move Irish Committee
EC Support
Motion Carried

77 Transport Policy - Rail Freight
Move West of Scotland  Second Wales no.1
EC Support
Move Kent
EC Support
Amendment Lost
Motion carried

78 Rule Alterations
Move Executive Committee
EC Support
Motion carried

Thanks to Will, Gareth, Kirsty, Luke, the "techie team" and the rest of staff for running the conference.
Conference ends
See you all in Sheffield next year!

Annual Delegate Conference 2021

Skeleton Programme Annual Conference 2021



TSSA Annual Conference 2021 Agenda



Minutes of Annual Conference 2021