Dates in sequence representing a timeline, 2014, 2015 etc

TSSA timeline

Key dates and events in TSSA's history


We've pulled together the key dates and events from TSSA's long history. Use the plus + symbols below to see what was happening across each decade of TSSA's history. 

This timeline provides just a snapshot of activity. For a full account, we recommend reading Single or Return by Malcolm Wallace.

TSSA Timeline

4 April 1897 An exploratory meeting for a railway clerks union was held at Sheffield Vestry Hall. Only 5 clerks were present, and a management spy reported back that “nothing would come of it”!

9 May 1897 First formal meeting of National Association of General Railway Clerks (renamed RCA in 1899) took place at the Wilberforce Café, Sheffield. Charles Basset-Vincent became our first General Secretary