December Executive Committee Report

The President Melissa Heywood, and General Secretary, Maryam Eslamdoust, present the former Interim President - Marios Alexandrou with a gold medallion and a commemorative glass.

Winter is upon us, and the festive period is fast approaching. We can’t guarantee we’ll get a white Christmas – but your Executive Committee have been snowed under managing and supervising the affairs of your union.

The priority for your Executive Committee is the pay, terms, and conditions of our members. That’s why we’ve been pleased to hear that the union has been liaising with TOC employers to ensure that our members get their pay rise for 2022, in line with our Dispute Resolution Agreement.

The Executive Committee met for a two-day session on 5/6 December at the TSSA head office in London.

The meeting was a special one because our former President, Marios Alexandrou, and Treasurer, Nicola Jukes, joined the meeting and were thanked for all their work in steering the union through an incredibly difficult year following the publication of the Kennedy Report in February. Marios also received a gold medallion for outstanding services to the union. Thanks were also given to Paul Corcoran, the former Executive Committee member for Ireland.

The Executive Committee started with the news that Paul Beadle, EC member for London North West, had stepped down due to other commitments. The EC thanked Paul for all his hard work. A casual vacancy is now open in the London North West seat and a call for nominations has been sent to Branches in the relevant Divisional Council. If members are interested in joining the Executive Committee, then they should contact their Branch in the first instance, or ask any current EC member for advice or guidance.

Strategic Reports

The Executive Committee meeting started by considering a number of Strategic Reports. These reports were delivered by TSSA staff members. It is incredibly important that the links between EC and TSSA staff is strengthened so the EC can maintain strategic oversight of every aspect of the union’s work.

Three Organising Directors joined the Executive Committee meeting and a wide-ranging discussion took place regarding potential areas for membership growth and the organising strategy of the union. Several actions were agreed which will be implemented.

The Executive Committee agreed to launch a multicultural campaign, which will be led by TSSA organiser Ricky Jones and our E-Mix Self Organised Group. Promoting workplace equality for Multicultural workers “career progression” is a major issue for most companies in the 21st-century, this is still a major hurdle affecting Multicultural workers in the Transport industry, with large numbers of BAME workers not applying for/ or being overlooked in the companies they work for this is commonly known as the “glass ceiling”. TSSA will lead a campaign to understanding and organise around these issues.

The Head of Communications joined the meeting to discuss the ongoing work of the Communications Team.

The EC considered our educational programme for reps and members and a full discussion was held into how to improve our educational output. Members should look forward to an improved education and training service in the near future.

The EC also considered finance items to ensure that your union’s finances remain in a healthy and stable position moving forward.

The EC considered the latest membership reports, and a full discussion on recruitment took place. The EC agreed to review the union’s merchandise in line with requests we have received from reps for more and better-quality merchandise.

Industrial Relations

The Executive Committee considered the issue of a dispute related to on call working for management grade members in Scotrail. Managers working in Operations Team Manager and ScotRail Operations Manager grades have now voted by 70% in favour of taking strike action, in a dispute on on-call working which dates back to 2021.  

The EC agreed to participate in celebratory events in 2024 relating to the 200th anniversary of the railway. We look forward to updating members with more information about the anniversary in the new year.

The EC agreed to fund training in post-incident procedure training for three reps in our British Transport Police Branch.


Reports were received from some of our Self Organised Groups and the Executive Committee had a wider discussion regarding how to ensure that all Self Organised Groups are democratic and fully representative of the members that they were formed to represent.

Letters and correspondence from Branches were considered and the Executive Committee will send suitable responses to these letters.

The Executive Committee made suitable arrangements regarding a branch which is not functioning to ensure that members join an appropriate and functioning branch so that members do not miss out on the opportunity to fully participate in our union’s democratic structures.

Politics and Campaigning

The EC decided to offer a fantastic opportunity for two young members to visit Cuba.   

The Cuba Solidarity Campaign is organising a delegation to Cuba for young trade unionists, aged 18-35, to participate in practical solidarity work and discover the reality of life for Cubans living under the illegal US blockade.   

The tour will take place over 12 days in late April – early May 2024 and include a chance to visit the May Day Rally in Plaza de la Revolución, attend an International Solidarity Conference in Cuba's Parliament and participate in volunteer agricultural work. 

Young TSSA members are invited to express interest in joining the TSSA delegation by sending an email, no later than 22nd December to . Please include a statement of 200 words detailing why you would like to take part and any relevant experience that you have. Delegates must be under 35 in May 2024. 

TSSA is proud of our strong international links. As a democratic organization, all our policy decisions are agreed and democratically voted upon directly by our members at our annual delegate conference, and this includes our longstanding support of the Cuba Solidarity Campaign. 


In line with a democratic conference decision, the Executive Committee renewed our ongoing affiliation to Stop the War Coalition at a small cost of £200.

Other donations were considered, and these were only made if they represented a benefit for TSSA members. A £500 donation was made to the Liberation Movement due to an ongoing collaboration with the group and our self-organised group E-Mix.

The Executive Committee meeting dates for 2024 were agreed as follows:

Wednesday                                17 January                        

Tuesday/Wednesday                 06/07 February                 

Tuesday                                      12 March                          

Tuesday/Wednesday                  09/10 April                       

Wednesday                                7 May                               

Friday                                          01 June                            

Tuesday/Wednesday                  13/14 August                    

Tuesday/Wednesday                  17/18 September              

Tuesday                                       12 November                    

Tuesday/Wednesday                   03/04 December    

If you have any questions or comments about the work of your Executive Committee, then please write to the President or your EC member.

TSSA members attending a rally

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