Our Teams
Find out about the staff structure in TSSA
Staff structure
Operations Team
Our Operations team is responsible for ensuring that TSSA members are supported to organise in their workplaces, as well as be provided with effective industrial representation. Their key function is to be the first point of contact for lay representatives (members who actively represent other members in their workplaces). A key part of their job is to lead, develop and support representatives to ensure the establishment of self-sustaining workplace organisations. They also have the important responsibility of ensuring that equalities and diversity, communities, education, and life-long learning are firmly embedded in our bargaining and campaigning strategies.
Management Team
The General Secretary is responsible for the day to day running of the union including its finances; for carrying out the policies and decisions of the Executive Committee and Annual Conference; for advising and making recommendations to the Executive Committee on policy questions; and for acting as the Association’s principal spokesperson and representative. He is directly responsible for the Management Team which comprises of the Assistant General Secretary, three Organising Directors and the Head of Communications and Media.
Support Services Team
This team is responsible for management of TSSA’s membership, finances, staffing matters and IT systems. Within support services we also have employment and policy advisers, press officers, a political officer and a communications and media team who are responsible for co-ordinating all policy bodies of TSSA and liaising with key stakeholders. This means campaigning and promoting TSSA and its work externally to current and potential members, the press, key opinion formers and government. The team is also responsible for producing TSSA’s promotional literature and materials, our on-line and social media communication. It provides information to assist negotiations and campaigns as well as providing members with a free-phone employment helpdesk.