CrossCountry Trains – Customer Service Managers and Contingency Management

CrossCountry Trains failed to consult with TSSA on its proposal for Management of Contingent Train Manager & Senior Conductor proposals and went ahead and briefed staff on their document dated 26th October 2021. Numerous TSSA members brought this to my attention on the day of the briefing as they had major concerns with what Management were proposing including areas of safety. Following calls to senior management, TSSA now has an agreement from CrossCountry that they withdraw that briefing until there has been meaningful consultation and agreement with TSSA on its content.

It has also been brought to my attention that the job description for CSMs is out-dated and not fit for purpose. We believe that CrossCountry have been adding to your job description and duties with no prior consultation or agreement with TSSA and this has now led to a situation whereby as a collective group of CSMs you are potentially carrying out tasks and duties in addition to your core responsibilities, which had they have been negotiated with TSSA could have led to a salary increase. The role of CSM at CrossCountry is paid significantly lower when compared to the same or similar roles at other TOCs.

If you accept additional duties to your roles without negotiation and agreement by TSSA, then you could be de-valuing your role not to mention increasing your workloads for no extra monies.

It is also my understanding that CSMs are expected to cover / deputise for their managers when they are off sick or on annual leave without any HGD (Higher Grade Duty) payment or an agreed process on workload cover! This is an area we will be seeking a change to. I know management have a view that this will help you on a “developmental” level, but that should be a personal choice and certainly should not mean you do that for free!

Your staff reps Donna Tudor and Nicola Perry along with myself will be meeting with senior management to consult, negotiate and agree a new fit for purpose job description for CSMs. All CSMs will benefit from having an up-to-date job description, so if you know a CSM who is not yet a TSSA member ask them to join to ensure you are a strong collective group.

We will do our very best to ensure that CSMs are acknowledged, accepted, and paid accordingly for the specific and important roles they fulfil, but you must be prepared to stand up for yourselves too and support your union.

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