First time logging in?
Create an account
If this is the first time you have logged in to MyTSSA (the members-only part of the TSSA website) then you will need to create an account.
It's quick and easy to create an account. Create an account here.
Your username is the email address you registered with when you joined TSSA. Make sure your surname is spelled correctly and your email address is valid. You must create a password between eight and 15 characters long, it must be different from your primary email address and must include letters in mixed case and at least one number.
Once you have seen a message saying you have registered successfully, you can log in straight away using the email you registered with as your username and the password you have chosen.
Remember - you have to be a TSSA member to create an account and have access to the members-only areas of the site. If you're not a member, join today.
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