Raymond Spiteri
Vice Chair Former London transport employee Ray stands in as Chair when required. He is also the DWG representative on the Trade Union Disability Alliance (TUDA).
tssadwg@yahoo.co.ukFind out about the DWG committee
The Disability Working Group committee is made up of lay members. Committee members are called officers and each of them has a role in carrying out work on behalf of the DWG. The current committee members are featured below.
Vice Chair Former London transport employee Ray stands in as Chair when required. He is also the DWG representative on the Trade Union Disability Alliance (TUDA).
tssadwg@yahoo.co.ukVice Chair of DWG. Duncan is a Driver Teams Manager in Northern. Duncan is a company rep and has previously been seconded to TUC to help with the recruitment and procedures for the union learn reps.
Secretary Pauline was a founding member of DWG. She has been a tireless and fearsome campaigner for disabled rights and represented the TSSA on the TUC disabled workers council.
tssadwg@yahoo.co.ukFinance Officer Cath was a founding member of the DWG. She has been the treasurer of DWG since it’s inception.
tssadwg@yahoo.co.ukWomen's Forum Secretary. Correspondence Secretary, West Scotland General branch. Lesley produces the Disability Working Group's newsletter.