The Transport Salaried Staffs’ Association (TSSA) recognises that social media plays a significant part in the organising of our activists and reps. We also recognise that this plays an important role in the way in which the Association and its members communicate with the public. We must ensure that social media accounts identified as belonging to TSSA are kept regularly updated and accurate.
All members of TSSA should note that any website or social media account belongs to TSSA if it bears the name and/or logo of the association.
As members of TSSA and the wider trade union movement, we must treat all people with dignity and respect. We will ensure that posts being made to social media accounts in the name of TSSA are respectful to other members, are factually accurate and are not in breach of any TSSA rule, statutory law or TSSA policy document.
All members should feel able to participate in discussions about our union, our industry and the wider world beyond. We want to maximise this debate, as long as it does not result in the exclusion or alienation of others.
We believe that abusing someone online is just as serious and invidious as doing so face to face. We oppose all forms of abuse and will take action against those who perpetrate it.
Bullying, harassment, intimidation and hateful language are never justified or acceptable, neither is any form of discrimination based on gender, race, religion, age, sexual orientation, gender identity or disability. Anonymous accounts or otherwise concealing one’s identity for the purpose of abusing others is wholly unacceptable and will not be tolerated.
Debates amongst our members should be comradely, acknowledging that whatever our views, we belong to the same trade union and have shared goals. We accept that people have deeply-held beliefs and that they may articulate their views vehemently, but we reject when this descends into personal abuse, shaming people or bullying behaviour.
We all bear responsibility for challenging abuse and stand shoulder to shoulder with its victims. We actively encourage the reporting of abusive behaviour to TSSA, the administrators of the social media platform or website and, where appropriate, the police.
Trolling or otherwise disrupting the freedom and ability of others to debate is not acceptable, nor is consistently mentioning or making contact with others when this is not acceptable.
It is not acceptable to use sexualised language or imagery, nor is it acceptable to pay unwanted sexual attention or make unwelcome advances. It is not acceptable to publish other members’ private information without their express permission.
Any member found to have breached this code of conduct will be dealt with according to TSSA rules and procedures.
The code
The Transport Salaried Staffs’ Association (TSSA) recognises that social media plays a significant part in the organising of our activists and reps. We also recognise that this plays an important role in the way in which the Association and its members communicate with the public. We must ensure that social media accounts identified as belonging to TSSA are kept regularly updated and accurate.
All members of TSSA should note that any website or social media account belongs to TSSA if it bears the name and/or logo of the association.
As members of TSSA and the wider trade union movement, we must treat all people with dignity and respect. We will ensure that posts being made to social media accounts in the name of TSSA are respectful to other members, are factually accurate and are not in breach of any TSSA rule, statutory law or TSSA policy document.
All members should feel able to participate in discussions about our union, our industry and the wider world beyond. We want to maximise this debate, as long as it does not result in the exclusion or alienation of others.
We believe that abusing someone online is just as serious and invidious as doing so face to face. We oppose all forms of abuse and will take action against those who perpetrate it.
Bullying, harassment, intimidation and hateful language are never justified or acceptable, neither is any form of discrimination based on gender, race, religion, age, sexual orientation, gender identity or disability. Anonymous accounts or otherwise concealing one’s identity for the purpose of abusing others is wholly unacceptable and will not be tolerated.
Debates amongst our members should be comradely, acknowledging that whatever our views, we belong to the same trade union and have shared goals. We accept that people have deeply-held beliefs and that they may articulate their views vehemently, but we reject when this descends into personal abuse, shaming people or bullying behaviour.
We all bear responsibility for challenging abuse and stand shoulder to shoulder with its victims. We actively encourage the reporting of abusive behaviour to TSSA, the administrators of the social media platform or website and, where appropriate, the police.
Trolling or otherwise disrupting the freedom and ability of others to debate is not acceptable, nor is consistently mentioning or making contact with others when this is not acceptable.
It is not acceptable to use sexualised language or imagery, nor is it acceptable to pay unwanted sexual attention or make unwelcome advances. It is not acceptable to publish other members’ private information without their express permission.
Any member found to have breached this code of conduct will be dealt with according to TSSA rules and procedures.