Conference hall with delegates' hands up voting
TSSA Democracy

Reconvened TSSA Annual Conference 2022


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London and online (hybrid)

Event Details

As you are aware our TSSA Annual Delegates Conference in May of this year was adjourned to allow the EC time to provide an Emergency motion on the proposed New TSSA/Boilermakers Rule Book.

The SOC are pleased to inform you that Conference will reconvene 2.00pm Saturday 17 September and will be held at, ITF House, 49-60 Borough Rd, London, SE1 1RD.

This will be a hybrid conference. Please arrive to the conference by 1pm, whether in person or online, to register and for a change lab test session. 

Members wishing to observe the conference should email Will Boisseau at 

As Conference is still in session the rules and regulations in the 2022 Revised Final Agenda and Order Papers are still applicable without exception.

There will only be two Items to deal with as all other business was completed in May.

Em6 the EC Emergency motion on the TSSA/Boilermakers Rule book and Item 78 (Rule Alterations) in the main Agenda.


EC Emergency Motion on the TSSA/Boilermakers Rule Book

That this Conference endorses the TSSA District Rule book.

