NEWS.CATEGORY: Health and safety
TSSA 'pleased' two metre rule remains on public transport
TSSA General Secretary, Manuel Cortes, has said the union is "pleased" new guidance from the Government continues to stress social distancing measures of at least two metres should remain in place across our transport network.
The Department for Transport (DfT) has today published updated guidance stating ā "Passengers and people working on the transport network should maintain 2 metres distance from people outside their household or support bubble where possible, because the risk of transmission is small at this distance."
The same guidance also states ā "people who can work from home should continue to do so".
Manuel Cortes said:
"Our union has been speaking to public transport operators and the Government on this issue and Iām pleased Ministers have listened to our concerns.
"It is blindingly obvious that any lowering of the two metre rule on public transport journeys will substantially increase the risk of catching the virus and that people should work from home where possible, avoiding public transport for all but essential journeys."
"The DfT makes the point that transport providers should remain mindful of their obligations under health and safety, equalities and employment legislation. Quite right too – the safety of our members and those using public transport is absolutely paramount.
"Nothing has changed in terms of the risks we face from this virus, and that goes for both passengers and transport workers. Our union will continue pressing this point in order to save lives until our health emergency is over."