TSSA President, Treasurer and EC elections

TSSA's Executive Committee holding a huge banner reading E-Mix Reloaded: United against Racism

**EDIT** This article was amended on 23/04/2023 as the original version had missed out four branch nominations for Duncan Bates as Treasurer in error. 

Elections have now opened for the below President, Treasurer and Executive Committee positions. Members should receive their ballot papers in the coming days, if you haven’t received yours by Wednesday, 26 April then please contact and request a replacement.  


Melissa Heywood - East Midlands Railway Branch

Nominated by
BT Police
East Midlands Railway
London & Southern Retired
London Metropolitan
Midlands Retired
North East Operations
NR Midland
Southeastern Metro
TfL Central
Wales No.1

Paul Mangan - Network Rail South London

Nominated by
Anglia South General
Lancs & Cumbria General
London Bus & Rail Operators
LT Retired
North East General
NR London South
NR North London
Scotland Retired


Duncan Bates - Lancs & Cumbria General

Nominated by
Crewe & Cheshire General
Lancs & Cumbria General
London Bus & Rail Operators
LT Retired
LU Mats
North East General
NR London South
NR Midlands
Scotland Retired

Mary Sithole - Anglia South General

Nominated by
Anglia No. 3
BT Police
East Midlands Railways
London Metropolitan
North East Operations
Southeastern Metro
TfL Central
Wales No. 1

London South EC

Paul Mangan - Network Rail London

Nominated by
London & Southern Retired
NR London South

Simon Turp - Southeastern Metro

Nominated by
Southeastern Metro

London Transport EC

Felix Matthew-Brown - LU Mats & Operating Managers

Nominated by
London Bus & Rail Operators
LT Retired
LU Mats & Operating Managers

Catherine Poole - TfL Central 

Nominated by
TfL Central

North East

Harry Gibb - North East General

Nominated by
North East General

Jayson-Mark Gill - North East Operations

Nominated by
North East Operations

All elections will be carried out by independent scrutineer Civica, and will be by postal ballot.

Ballots will open on Wednesday 19 April.

Ballots will closes on Friday 19 May.

No nominations were received for the Irish EC seat. Therefore, a further call for nominations has been sent to Branches in the Irish Divisional Council with a close of nominations date of 5 May 2023

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