Future of Rail events
Join the TSSA Future of Rail community
Future of Rail - join our community of practice
Events and other learning opportunities will be updated regularly. If you are interested in a topic and want to engage with others on the subject be sure to visit our Going Beyond section where you'll be able to find out more.
Topics we will cover in 2021
- A Changing Rail Industry Hear from experts on topics such as big data, integrated public transport and timetabling, High Speed rail, changing passenger travel patterns and needs
- Investment & Infrastructure Explore the expected benefits from investment in rail for a people centred future.
- People & Passengers What is the future role of people? Hear from industry leaders on why a diverse workforce is needed for our future railway.
- Automation Engage with leaders of innovation of the Fourth Industrial Revolution and Society 5.0.
- Skills and Training Learn more about apprenticeships, development pipelines and the future skills needs of rail.
- Climate Change 2021 is a crucial year for climate action, and the UK is hosting the UN Climate Change Conference (COP26) in Glasgow in November.
Find out more
To join this Community of Practice, visit our Going Beyond section.
For more information contact Kerry Abel
You can also follow our Twitter account @FutureofRail