Amey Members vote to agree 2023 pay deal

Amey Members vote to agree 2023 pay deal
Thank you everyone who used their vote to have a say on the improved Amey pay offer.
83% of TSSA members voted to accept. On this basis, your reps have agreed to formally accept the offer and conclude negotiations with Amey for this year. Your reps will work to ensure that the deal is implemented as soon as practicable so that members can receive their increase in pay and allowances, and backpay without delay.
For more information on the offer and our referendum, click here
Key elements of the offer, set out by Amey, are as follows:
- 7% annual pay award with an underpin of £2,300 pro-rated where appropriate to be applied to basic salary plus agreed allowances to be backdated to 1st March 2023. This is an improved offer from last year’s agreed award, and represents a minimum 13% increase over 2 years.
- Commitment to no compulsory redundancies. We are still in the process of reviewing our contractual commitments and resourcing levels and some progress has been made in this area. At this time we are able to offer the a commitment of no compulsory redundancies for Rail Operations till the 1st March 2024. The no compulsory redundancy date for Consulting Rail is currently under review and we shall confirm our position once this review has been completed.
- Commitment to the training and development of all employees. We are currently in the process of launching our Professional and Engineering framework within Transport Infrastructure and the testing of an electronic database, to ensure such opportunities are made available to all employees. Once this has been reviewed, Amey will be happy to share the framework and new process.
- Commitment to review Amey’s policies, including family friendly, flexible working and maternity/paternity policies. Amey are happy to share the current policies and welcome any suggested changes.