London United Buses – Pay 2023/4

Dear members,

The TSSA reps and myself have been invited to engage with the business’s representatives to discuss potential settlement to our pay claim on behalf of our members. A meeting to discuss our aspirations took place recently, and we made our position clear.

We have now formally received an offer from the company for your consideration and would be grateful if you could absorb the offer as detailed below and then contact one of the TSSA reps to let them know your views and position.

Your reps are Warren Dutch, Nik Anthony, Naz Saiyed and Aga Kulbicka-Lisek.

The company presented a confidential overview of the Company’s financial performance since 2019, which showed significant losses that are forecast to continue into 2023 with further projected losses.  They explained some of the factors within the business plan that will help stem these losses, including the early termination of unprofitable routes and increased focus on minimising deductible lost mileage. These measures, they feel, will contribute significantly to stronger financial results in the future.

The business has made it expressly clear that what we are asking for (a settlement in line with RPI that is consolidated into pensions), is simply unaffordable and they have proposed the following as a potential settlement to our claim for this year.

We are told that the offer being made is constrained by the businesses budget, the parameters of which are agreed with the parent company.

This offer is 5% on all elements of pay, effective from 6th May. They have also offered the opportunity to enter into discussions to design an incentive/reward scheme for colleagues within the bargaining unit; this, we are told, could release additional funds to invest into pay but would have to be generated through efficiencies and performance improvements. Currently we do not know what value this idea would bring in the absence of anything concrete. We will be happy to explore this further, should members wish it.

Please note that your reps are strongly inclined to reject this offer on your behalf but are happy to be persuaded by your views, our members.

We look forward to your feedback.

Tony Wheeler on behalf of the TSSA reps

TSSA members attending a rally

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