Young TSSA members at conference 2021


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Get involved to shape FutureTSSA 

FutureTSSA will be holding our Annual General Meeting on Saturday 28th January at 10:30AM on Zoom which is open to all members 35 and under.

For many employers, young workers represent an opportunity to reduce wage bills and increase profits. As young people are new to the world of work and unsure of their rights, employers gain further opportunities to reduce wage costs and impose working practices that older workers would be unprepared to accept. 

As young members of the TSSA working in the transport and travel industries, we know what’s going on!  

Join our meeting to plan our year ahead including conference business, strategic goals and social events.

Join the meeting on Zoom

FutureTSSA AGM Zoom Meeting Access 

Meeting ID: 730 1946 9066 Passcode: Future  

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