Event Details
TSSA members employed by Network Rail (bands 5-8) and train operators are invited to join this meeting to get the latest state of play on the rail dispute. Please sign up using the ‘register for the event’ button above.
Talks with the Rail Delivery Group (RDG), acting on behalf of train operators, began w/c 7 November for a period of two weeks. TSSA suspended industrial action during this period to allow space for discussion. These are the first talks since August, despite repeated calls from TSSA for engagement and negotiations to break the deadlock in the dispute.
Negotiations with Network Rail have been ongoing throughout this period. TSSA suspended industrial action on 2 November to facilitate serious and advanced talks.
TSSA is committed to achieving a negotiated settlement for members which addresses the core concerns of job security, terms and conditions, and pay.
Industrial action ballots are also coming to the end of their mandate. Ballot results for strike action and action short of strike remain ‘live’ for six months after the initial result, so in order for legal action to be taken after this period, a further ballot must be held.
This meeting for members will provide feedback from the talks and gather input about next steps.
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Our dispute with Network Rail and all DfT train operating companies over pay, job security and terms and conditions is settled. Find out more about our campaign.
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