News Maryam Eslamdoust – EC nomination for TSSA General Secretary

A head and shoulders shot of TSSA's General Secretary, Maryam Eslamdoust, an Iranian woman, with long dark hair, a black top and bright red lipstick. She is smiling directly at the camera. The background is neutral.

The process is underway to elect our union’s next General Secretary. Following rule changes passed unanimously at this year’s Annual Delegate Conference, your Executive Committee can nominate a candidate for election.

Your Executive Committee received applications from many talented and experienced candidates and has been shortlisting and interviewing applicants over the last two weeks.

From this group of applicants one outstanding candidate has emerged who has a plan to deliver the union’s strategic vision, build industrial success and expand our membership base.

The Executive Committee is very proud to nominate Maryam Eslamdoust for General Secretary.

Maryam is an exceptional trade union professional, with experience in equalities, policy, and organisational change. Maryam has dedicated her career to the trade union movement – from serving as a workplace health and safety rep, to combatting discrimination in recruitment, to fighting for justice for blacklisted workers at UCATT, to implementing major organisational change at the Labour Party.

In 2019 Maryam was elected as Mayor of Camden and used the platform to highlight abuse against women and girls and fundraise for Solace Women’s Aid.

Commenting, TSSA President, Melissa Heywood said: “I encourage all members to support Maryam for General Secretary. Maryam will use her background and experience in equalities and organisational change to implement the cultural change that we need following the Kennedy and Conley reports. If elected, Maryam will employ her knowledge of diversifying and retaining members to grow our union’s membership to its full potential."

Responding to the announcement, Maryam Eslamdoust said: “I am honoured to have received the Executive Committee’s nomination for General Secretary.

“If members put their faith in me by electing me as General Secretary, then I will steer TSSA back to being a union 100% focused on delivering improved pay, terms, and conditions for our members.

“TSSA must be a strong, assertive, and growing union, an unmissable presence in every workplace in the transport and travel industries.

“As General Secretary I will take all necessary steps to rebuild our culture, reputation, organising and governance.

“I am certain that together we can put TSSA at the heart of building a world-class integrated transport system in the UK and Ireland, led by a valued, properly rewarded and professional workforce.

“It is clear that TSSA is needed now more than ever, so as a first step I urge every member to save jobs and protect safety and accessibility on our railways by joining TSSA’s campaign to Save Our Ticket Offices.”

Maryam was inspired to stand for General Secretary following the historic election of two women as President and Treasurer. If elected Maryam will implement policies that enable TSSA to forge a new future as a leader in organising, recruiting, and representing members in every transport and travel workplace.

Maryam will now seek election from the TSSA membership along with any other candidates nominated by branches. Members can contact Maryam by emailing her at

*To get on the ballot paper eligible candidates must either be nominated by the EC or by at least five Branches from at least two different Divisional Councils by 12 noon on 17 July.

A row of cartoon people in various railway company uniforms. they are a wide range of ages, races and a mix of male, female and non-binary. One is in a wheelchair, another has an LGBT + pride flag badge. One has a hijab and another is wearing a turban. Text reads "Our Rail Our Future, Your Ticket Offices , Keep Them Open." in white on red and blue background.

Our Rail Our Future - Ticket Offices Campaign

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