TSSA Comment on The Rail and Urban Transport Review

Avanti© Pendolino - Tilting Pair

TSSA today welcomed today’s publication of Juergen Maier’s Rail and Urban Transport Review, which was commissioned by the Labour Party last year, calling it “a clear vision for the future of public transport in Britain.”

The report calls for the establishment of an ambitious transport infrastructure plan to ensure a greener, more inclusive, and efficient UK transport network. This would include a national strategy to increase journeys by public transport, walking, and cycling by 2035, and to double the modal share of rail within a decade.  

TSSA General Secretary Maryam Eslamdoust said, “The Rail and Urban Transport Review rightly identifies the need to build rail capacity, especially on the West Coast Mainline, as well as delivering the Northern Powerhouse Rail Project in full.  Encouraging modal shift from car to rail, is essential if we are to meet our climate change targets.

“We welcome the report’s recognition of the importance of including trade unions and passenger groups at the heart of everything. Rail workers have the expertise and experience needed to plan and deliver railway infrastructure projects, delivering the best value for taxpayer and pasengers, and it is right that they should be given a seat at the table.

“We look forward to working together with the government to deliver the world-class public transport system this country deserves.”

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