TSSA Condemns P&O Ferries “Fire and rehire” of their staff

A white ferry boat on open water

TSSA today condemned P&O Ferries practices after the company announced that all sailing staff would be sacked immediately and replaced with agency staff.

P&O Ferries have encouraged their staff to apply to the agency for work – effectively reapplying for their own jobs.

Manuel Cortes, TSSA General Secretary, said, “This is absolutely despicable behaviour from P&O, designed to reduce pay, and worsen terms and conditions for their staff. They should be ashamed of themselves, treating loyal and hardworking staff like this. 

In any civilised country these actions would not only be unlawful but punishable in the harshest possible terms. Sadly, I doubt the Tory government will lift even their little finger to ensure this happens.

“I’m sending our union’s solidarity to the members of our sister unions being treated in such a despicable way by this dishonorable employer . I am also putting the rest of the ferry sector on notice: TSSA will fight any attempt to replicate P&O’s disgraceful behaviour tooth and nail’.


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