TSSA says no to Labour gerrymandering

The leader of transport and travel union TSSA has today written to Labour leader Keir Starmer expressing the union’s strong opposition to moves to inflate MPs’ votes in an electoral college system, calling it “the sort of thing associated with Victorian Tories”.
TSSA is affiliated to the Labour Party and backed Keir Starmer for leader in the 2020 leadership race. The move comes just days ahead of the Labour Party’s annual conference.
In his letter to Keir Starmer – also copied to Labour Party General Secretary David Evans - TSSA leader Manuel Cortes expresses “concern and opposition” to any suggestion of “an electoral college system which inflates the value of MPs’ votes over those of members and affiliates.”
Manuel continues: “Our union will have no hesitation in voting against this gerrymandering if this proposal makes it anywhere near conference floor.”
The full text of the letter is copied below.
Full letter from Manuel Cortes to Keir Starmer and David Evans:
Dear Keir and David,
I’m writing to express my union’s concern and opposition to suggestions that Party rules may be changed to instate an electoral college system which inflates the value of MPs’ votes over those of members and affiliates.
Planned changes to Labour Party rules which give MPs a golden vote whilst reducing the value of the votes of ordinary Labour Party and affiliated members, is the kind of policy associated with Victorian Tories. Such a policy has no place whatsoever in a democratic socialist party.
Our union will have no hesitation in voting against this gerrymandering if this proposal makes it anywhere near conference floor.
Your sincerely,
Manuel Cortes
TSSA General Secretary