TSSA statement - Andy Lord appointed TfL Transport Commissioner
TSSA, the biggest union across Transport for London (TfL), has raised concerns about the permanent appointment of Andy Lord as Transport Commissioner over what the union calls “the change in culture” at TfL over recent months.
Mr Lord was first appointed (on an interim basis) in October 2022 but that has now been made substantive by the London Mayor, Sadiq Khan.
Commenting, TSSA Interim Organising Director, Mel Taylor said: “At a crucial point for trade union relations at TfL we welcome the stability this appointment will bring but remain concerned about the change in culture at the organisation in recent months which has seen as barrage of attacks on collective bargaining.
“Our union demands a culture where staff at all levels within TfL are respected, safe, paid fairly and allowed to do their jobs with the appropriate resources.
“As things stand staff are not being listened to and that will not help when it comes to solving the serious skills shortage in the sector and recruitment retention.
“TSSA members play a fundamental and essential role in the delivery of London’s transport system. They are now seeking a specific commitment from the Mayor of London that their pay and terms and conditions will be protected and that any changes will be negotiated.”
*Earlier this year TfL began a review of key policies, insisting that these were not subject to negotiation.
*Based upon their current proposals, TfL is intent on reducing vital policies to the absolute minimum, including redundancy consultation.
*In the case of protections for maternity, their proposals do not even comply with the minimum legal requirements. They are prepared to require pregnant women, or women with newborn or very young children, to take legal action to ensure their statutory rights.
*Staff salaries are not competitive with comparative industries, particularly those in London. Staff are leaving the organisation, and London, because they cannot afford to live in the city that they serve.
*TSSA advocates on behalf of senior managers and pay bands 1-3. We continue to raise concerns across the board about a toxic culture emanating from the top.
*TSSA continues to represent and advocate for our members in response to attacks on pay, jobs and terms and conditions. Passengers continue to return to the streets, roads and public transport in London, returning to and supporting public transport. Their actions play a part in supporting our campaigning work to improve air quality and to address the ongoing climate crisis.
*TSSA represents all staff grades at TfL below Director level, including senior managers in London Underground.
*TSSA represents operational and management staff in London Underground, including those in stations, Service Control, admin, technical and support roles.