Amey Pay: Reps Recommend you vote to reject latest offer and support industrial action to demand improvements!

TSSA picket line at Amey

Members are urged to vote in our online pay referendum which closes at 2359 on Tuesday 30 August. Click here to have your say

Management have presented collectively bargained staff with a revised offer after several months of negotiation. You can view the offer letter here. The key points are:

  • A 4.21% increase to pay and agreed allowances, with a minimum salary increase of £1800, backdated to 1st March 2022.
  • No compulsory redundancies until 1st June 2023.
  • A commitment to review Amey’s internal policies.

The £1800 underpin and no compulsory redundancy commitment are improvements on the original offer, which included a minimum increase of £1,200 and no job security commitments. This was overwhelmingly rejected by a referendum of TSSA members in spring. The improved offer still represents a real terms pay cut for staff as it is significantly below inflation. For the last decade, Amey have linked pay offers to the January RPI figure (a government measure of inflation), which was 7.8% this year. RPI has been increasing in 2022, reaching a forty year high of 11.8% as of June.

Your Reps think this is the best offer that can be achieved through negotiation alone.  However, we recommend voting to reject it and supporting a ballot for industrial action.  Over nine years of collective bargaining at Amey, we have negotiated pay deals to keep wages very close to inflation, and we believe real pay should not be cut in real terms while Amey continues to return good profits.

If members vote to reject this offer we intend to ballot for industrial action, as we believe that this is the only remaining way to pressure management for a better deal.

This would be a postal ballot in which TSSA asks members to vote ‘yes’ to both strike action and action short of a strike (which could include refusing to cover additional duties, overtime bans, etc.).  For industrial action to be lawful, over 50% of votes cast and at least 40% of all eligible members must vote ‘yes’.  In the event of a successful ballot for industrial action, reps and TSSA officials will support members so that our action is coordinated and effective.

Click here to use your vote and have your say

Amey August 2022 pay offer letter

Amey August 2022 pay offer letter


August 2022 Amey pay offer letter

TSSA members attending a rally

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