Stena Pay: 2.1% offer overwhelmingly rejected!

The offer to increase salaries for shore based staff by 2.1% has been overwhelmingly rejected in a referendum ballot of TSSA members. 

In the light of this, a further meeting has been arranged with the company for Tuesday 7 April. Members will be informed of the outcome of that meeting. 

Coronavirus Covid-19: Stena withdraws sick pay! 

As the Covid-19 health crisis has developed over the last week, TSSA has been in discussions with governments and transport employers about safeguarding the health and safety of transport staff and ensuring that the economic consequences of the crisis for those staff are minimised. Those discussions have been cordial and constructive, recognising the need to keep Britain and Ireland moving and to safeguard key transport links. 

However, it seems that Stena Line does not want to build a constructive relationship with TSSA or the other trade unions, and is not interested in safeguarding vital transport links for the common good in the face of the public health emergency. 

Its first act in the face of the crisis was to put the health and safety of its staff at risk, along with their economic security, by unilaterally ending sick pay for the staff. There was no discussion, no consultation – they just went ahead and did it. 

TSSA General Secretary Manuel Cortes said: “Stena’s cynical decision means that workers with coronavirus will get only £94.25 a week rather than the normal full pay. 

“Our union believes that the company is breaching its legal obligation to manage the risks posed by the serious pandemic. Stena’s action will greatly increase the risk of infected staff presenting themselves for work when they are faced with the choice of staying at home on a pittance or going to work for full pay in order to pay bills. That will inevitably result in them spreading the illness to their colleagues and Stena’s passengers.” 

TSSA will be looking into the legality of the company’s move to axe sick pay, and will be calling on the UK and Ireland governments to intervene to ensure Stena restores sick pay and complies with its obligations under health and safety law. 

TSSA reps will also pursue this matter when they meet with the company on Tuesday 7 April to discuss pay. 

In the meantime, TSSA members should contact their reps or the TSSA Helpdesk (phone 0800 328 2673 or email should they have any concerns about Covid-19. 

Keep in touch during the crisis! 

It is important that we can contact you directly with any updated advice and guidance. Because of the crisis, TSSA is unable to send out hard copy communications. We are therefore reliant on electronic communications at present. 

Please therefore ensure that TSSA has the up to date contact details for you (preferred email address and mobile phone number – personal rather than company ones are better). You can do this by logging into MyTSSA at and update your details. Alternatively, email And please check that your colleagues are receiving TSSA communications – if they are not, pass this circular on and ask them to update their details. 

The TSSA website is a good source of information, and it is being constantly updated as things develop. For information on Covid19, visit the coronavirus section of our site. 

TSSA has a presence on social media. For those with access to Facebook, you should ‘like’ the TSSA - Transport Salaried Staffs’ Association page for general news, TSSA members in Stena for company specific news, and TSSA Health & Safety for health and safety news including news on Coronavirus Covid-19. 

TSSA also has a presence on twitter, which is constantly updated – see @TSSAunion 

Stay healthy!

TSSA Helpdesk

0800 328 2673 United Kingdom

1800 805 272 Republic of Ireland

Helpdesk Enquiry Form

Member advice from our Helpdesk

If you are a TSSA member and are looking for advice or assistance in connection with your employment or membership, you can contact our Members’ Helpdesk.

We can advise on a range of workplace issues including; discipline and grievance hearing, maternity rights and redundancy.

Helpdesk opening hours: 09:00 - 17:00 Monday - Thursday  |  09:00 - 16:00 Friday

Please note: we cannot undertake to provide advice to non-members, to members of other unions, or to members on behalf of their partners/friends. If you are not yet a member, please join TSSA online.