Transport for Wales Rail LtdReps

TSSA Reps in Transport for Wales Rail Ltd

Company Council - All Grades

Company Council is a permanent consultative body made up of management and employee representatives through which we negotiate with the employer about economic and employment-related matters. These are the TSSA reps covering all grades.

Gwynfor Williams

Management and Driver Managers

Michael Brady

Stations North and Mid Wales

Paula Jones

Stations South

Amy Mullane

Company Council - Clerical South


These are the Stations TSSA reps on the Company Council.

Paula Jones

Stations South

Michael Brady

Stations North and Mid Wales

Michael Brady

Rhyll local stations rep

Michael Clarke

Colwyn Bay

Health and Safety Representatives

TSSA's Health and Safety Reps provide oversight and coordinate suggestions for improving workplace health and safety conditions.

John Haynes

HQ clerical rep

Michelle Thomas

Stations, Pontypridd

Lorna Elliot

Stations, Chester

Martyn Howells

Company level

Allan Deal

Management, Chester

Daniel Hennell

Stations, Colwyn Bay

Scott Barlow

Stations, Rhyl

TfW RL equality reps

Katie Mitchell

Equality rep

TfW RL Management Reps

Local reps for management grades