Avanti Industrial Action Ballot - Vote Yes!

Avanti© Pendolino - Tilting Pair

TSSA is in dispute with Avanti West Coast as a result of a severe breakdown in relations and we are now balloting for strike action and action short of a strike.   

Members working in station grades at Avanti West Coast should have seen ballot papers arrive at your home address in recent days.  

It’s vital that members vote immediately because the ballot closes next Tuesday (23 November) at noon. Only use the ballot papers with the BLUE CORNERS, discard any papers which have GREY CORNERS.  

If any members have not yet received ballot paper then please do let us know as soon as possible. This can be done by clicking here

Please check your contact information here

While TSSA remains committed to a negotiated settlement, we recommend members vote YES to strike action and action short of a strike.  

This is because the company has -  

*Failed to enter into pay negotiations for 2021/22 and effectively imposing a pay freeze on staff.  

*Failed to reinstate the original working arrangements that pertained prior to those changes imposed by the company as a result of covid.  

*Refusal to fill vacancies resulting in unacceptable workloads for existing staff.   

*Wants the extension of gate line hours at a number of stations without agreement and the failure of the company to adequately resource that change.  

*Wishes to see the imposition of rosters with regard to gate lines, thus breaching established procedures and agreements.   

*Failed to apply agreed contractual payments relating to increments payable for achieving certain competencies.   

*Failure to cover staff released from normal duties to give or receive training for the new PICO ticketing system.  

A strong message must therefore be sent to Avanti that they won’t be allowed to play fast and loose with your pay, working arrangements, rosters, and much more.  

Our General Secretary, Manuel Cortes, has issued this video rallying call

If you know of anyone not yet a member of our TSSA Union family then please get them to JOIN TODAY