Ending Global Travel Taskforce - Beyond A Joke Says Cortes

TSSA General Secretary, Manuel Cortes, has labelled the apparent decision of the Government to end of the work of the Global Travel Taskforce as "beyond a joke".
The taskforce was established in October last year with the aim of working with the travel sector on testing to reduce self-isolation for arrivals to this country, increasing consumer confidence and reducing barriers to the safe and sustainable recovery of the international travel trade.
However, TTG (Travel Trade Gazette), is reporting that the Taskforce is ‘no longer active’.
Commenting, Manuel Cortes said: “I’d like to laugh at this appalling decision from the Government on the future of the Global Travel Taskforce, but frankly they are beyond a joke.
“With our travel industry on its knees due to the impact of the virus, it seems Ministers have chosen to take this step, without consultation with our industry, business or trade unions, while we are still in this pandemic. Our travel industry has once again been thrown to the wolves.
“I have repeatedly told Transport Secretary, Grant Shapps and others that travel needs proper bespoke financial support if our industry is to have any hope of surviving. Sadly they have failed to listen at every turn.
“Now, just when we need absolute clarity over quarantine and testing plans the Government has pulled the plug on the very body which should have been holding the road map. That is just plain daft – and we must have answers as to why this step has been taken.”