Transport for London punishment "nakedly political" says TSSA

Commenting on reports of the government's proposed funding arrangement with punitive strings attached for Transport for London, Manuel Cortes, TSSA General Secretary, said: "This punishment of Londoners and TfL is nakedly political from the Tories. They were only too happy to prop up failing private train operators, but when it comes to our country's transport success story they won't provide the funds needed.
“Londoners didn’t cause coronavirus and they shouldn’t be made to pay for it. Transport for London is strategically vital to the country and it and its hero transport workers will help speed the country’s economic recovery. This government needs to recognise that. Punishing the poorest blatantly flies in the face of their so-called levelling up agenda – exposing it for the empty rhetoric it really is.
“It's clear that Johnson and his Tory ministers hate Liverpool, Manchester and London because most of its people don’t vote for them so they dish out collective punishments for them. Johnson and his cronies are lower than vermin.”