Transport for London services ‘grinding to halt’ warning to Government

London Underground tube train at a platform with a red footbridge above.

TSSA General Secretary, Manuel Cortes, has today warned the Prime Minister that services will grind to a halt across Transport for London (TfL) unless Ministers quickly come to the table with a long-term funding plan.  

The current short-term funding deal for TfL is due to run out on December 11th. 

Raising the alarm, TSSA General Secretary, Manuel Cortes, said: “It's frankly disgusting that Boris Johnson is playing Russian roulette with the future of public transport in London.  

“We understand that with just a few short weeks left of the current financial support package from the government no discussions are planned about the additional money TfL needs to keep services running, as passenger numbers have yet to recover from pre-pandemic levels.  

“Johnson may talk a good game when it comes to dealing with the challenges of climate change but failing to adequately fund public transport shows that his decarbonisation credentials are yet more hot air. 

“The government must step up to the plate before TfL services start grinding to a halt. It’s that simple.” 

Tube train with doors open and the words: Save London's Public Transport

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