TSSA takes fight for ScotRail Ticket Offices to Holyrood
TSSA today took its campaign to stop ScotRail drastically reducing the opening hours of 101 ticket offices to the Scottish Parliament.
The union – which has represented ticket office staff for more than 125 years - is running a high-profile campaign demanding the Scottish government tell ScotRail to junk their plans.
Members of the union were at the forefront of a demonstration along with several MSPs at the Parliament in Edinburgh this afternoon.
Commenting, TSSA General Secretary, Maryam Eslamdoust said: "Railway ticket offices are far more than just selling points – they are vital for ensuring the safety of women, girls, and other vulnerable passengers.
“They provide a lifeline for pensioners, people with disabilities, and those with learning difficulties, making the railways accessible and secure for everyone. ScotRail ticket offices must remain fully open, with no reduction in hours."