Bus Éireann clerical update

Dublin Bus and Bus Éireann buses at Busáras in Dublin ©Donnacha DeLong

TSSA meet with the company yesterday, 3 June, to discuss various issues relating to the clerical grade.

The company has informed us that they have appointed Deloitte to conduct the Clerical review. It is our understanding the process should begin 14 June and should last approximately 6 weeks. The company believe that the review should allow for the resolution of several issues. We will wait until such time as the process has concluded and digest the outcome of the review before deciding on if the various issues in the grade are resolved.

The issue surrounding the introduction of admin assistant grade without agreement had been referred to the WRC and is still in that process. On the issue of pay parity between the chief clerks and supervisors this has been referred to the WRC and we await a hearing date. If as the company maintain it should be dealt with as part of the clerical review all well and good, however we will maintain our position to deal with it in the WRC until such time as agreement is achieved.

We have also sought clarification on the issue of loss of earnings claims as a result of Labour Court Recommendation 21438 in 2017. A number of members applied several years ago and had loss of earnings paid. Other members have yet to have claims processed. Indeed, many with outstanding claims were told they were not entitled to loss of earnings. We continue to take the position that as per the criteria applied to those that received payment of loss of earnings, this should then be also applied to all outstanding claims. The company has confirmed they will re-look at the claims that have not been paid. 

At the meeting, it was also raised that we need clarification around remote working, flexible working arrangements and the right to disconnect. The previous year has clearly demonstrated the changes of the work environment. The company has recognised we need to meet and discuss further these issues with the view to getting an agreement the ensures a good work life balance.