TSSA Issue Amey with dispute notice over failure to make progress on your pay
Amey members are preparing for strike ballot as we issue notice of dispute to Amey
Thank you to our members and reps who have been working to check and update TSSA membership details. All members with a valid email address on our membership records have received an email setting out the details we hold and are urged to respond with any corrections or updates. If you haven't received this email, please contact the Members' helpdesk urgently to confirm your contact details.
Your efforts help to ensure we have the option of balloting for industrial action if the company continue to fail to make a reasonable pay offer while making unexpected profits. After Amey postponed the latest round of pay talks at the last minute, your TSSA reps agreed there was no choice but to escalate your campaign for fair pay by formally entering into dispute with Amey.
Members will recall our previous circular, reporting on the last pay meeting on 1 September. Amey promised to respond urgently to our formal rejection letter in writing before meeting as soon as possible, expressing regret that Tuesday 20 September was the earliest date available.
Your reps had arranged a meeting for the afternoon following pay talks to share an update on negotiations and consider our position in relation to the mandate of your pay claim surveys and referendum on the previous offer. After hearing that the company have failed to honour the commitment to respond in writing and that the pay meeting was postponed for a further week just before it was due to start, your reps unanimously agreed that our only choice is to enter into a formal dispute by writing to the Account Director to set out our position. Please click this link to see the correspondence.
It is now essential that we continue to prepare to ballot in the event that the company fail to make a reasonable offer. This means that we must have accurate information on your workplace, job title, contact details and home address so that we have the option of moving towards lawful industrial action if the company won't make a fair offer at the negotiating table next week.
Over 81% of those of you who took part in the referendum voted to reject the previous offer. Of those, over 65% would support strike action to achieve an acceptable deal and over 60% would support action short of a strike. Fewer than 2.5% of those who voted to reject the offer said they were not prepared to do anything in pursuit of a better deal.
The more members in active membership, the stronger our position in negotiations, so please encourage any colleagues who are not in a union to join TSSA online.
For background information on negotiations, find out more from Amey on our site
Are you up to date?
It is crucial that we have accurate information on your job title, department and workplace so that your union can represent you and conduct a lawful ballot if necessary, and your home address so that you can receive a ballot and other information. Please contact the members' Helpdesk or email to check and confirm your details.