GWR: Tri Annual Representative Elections – R&R

Red letters TSSA logo on white background

It is now getting very close to 3 years since we signed the second of 2 collective bargaining agreements with GWR. The first on 9th August 2021 was for the Train Service Delivery Department followed by the Rostering and Resources Department on 7th February 2022.

After signing the collective bargaining agreement, we filled the first Rostering and resources representative seats on 23rd Feb 2022, the term of office for representative seats is 3 years, although existing reps are entitled to stand again for as many terms of office as they wish to. Therefore, I am writing to ask members to consider standing for the position of Workplace Representative and all seats in the constituency are up for election.

Quiet a number of things have happened since we signed that agreement:

  • We identified that the company hadn’t been increasing your rest day work payments in line with pay rises and have managed to get 10’s of thousands of pounds backdated payments for the majority of staff effected (although we are still seeking to rectify issues for a small number who we believe are still owed payments)
  • We’ve pushed the company to source funding for the introduction of the Print schedule system vice creating copy and paste Diagrams, making Crew Delivery managers work easier
  • Creation of a rest day count for our R&R members, to ensure that for the first time RDW will be allocated fairly and with the correct processes,
  • Protection of your links to ensure that you have the necessary control of your working patterns.
  • Negotiating Sunday payments on 22nd and 29th December ‘24 which only applied to those covered by Collective Bargaining

But the important thing to remember is that without workplace representatives who have the knowledge of the issues and the ability to canvas members on the ground we wouldn’t have been able to achieve some of these great things on behalf of members.

We have various issues that we still want to improve on your behalf, like arguing to make Flexibility payments Pensionable, fighting unfair pay practices and trying to get the company to provide the fit for purpose IT equipment that has been promised amongst other things so whoever you chose to represent you needs to be passionate about seeking improvements on behalf of all within the bargaining group and seeking to work together as an effective reps team in order to help you our members achieve those aims.

Representative constituencies

There will be 2 representative positions up for nomination and once elected the seats will run for a 3-year term from no earlier than 18th February 2025 (dependent on whether elections are needed if the date of closure of elections is later then the term of office will start later). Existing reps will be in place until we have declared the outcome of the election process.

Nominees will need to be nominated by 6 TSSA members within the relevant constituency i.e. within the “Rostering and Resources Constituency - Swindon” both those that stand and those that nominate a colleague to stand for election will need to have their substantive role within one of the following job roles, Crew Delivery Manager, Crew Delivery Team Leader, Roster Managers, Traincrew Analyst, Systems and Process Manager, Training Release Manager, Training Release Coordinator.

Rostering and Resources Constituency = 2 x representatives’ positions

Your reps are incredibly important and as well as providing support and advice to members, they take part in consultations and negotiations with the employer as part of the Joint Council and Company Council raising issues on your behalf and for your betterment.

Representative nominations

To stand for one of the above representative positions, you must:

  • work within one of the above constituencies in a substantive role
  • have a minimum of 6 months service with GWR
  • receive 6 nominations from other TSSA members within the same constituency

Open the nomination form, save & print it. Please fully complete the form with your details, obtain the names details and signatures from 6 valid nominees and then scan and email it to Alan Valentine.

Nominations should be received no later than 12noon on Tuesday 18th February 2025

Any questions should be directed to Alan Valentine (please note Alan will be on leave for some of the period of the nomination process).

If at the closing date, there are more valid nominations/candidates than seats for the relevant constituency then I will make arrangements to run an election. If at the end of the nomination period, there are less nomination forms received than seats within the constituency then any candidates will be declared elected unopposed.

Make sure to read the full collective bargaining agreement that enables us to have Union reps in TSD & R&R. It’s advisable that anyone wishing to stand as a rep should read this and understand it.

All representatives will be entitled to paid time off to carry out their duties and receive training and for that matter talk to colleagues about the benefits of joining a trade union as per Procedure Agreement 5 – Time off for Trade union Duties and Activities.

Strong Membership

Remember you have won the right to have collective bargaining by having a majority of colleagues who recognise the importance of collective strength by being members of and being part of the TSSA family. Please never forget that, pass the message on like a baton to those that follow and ensure that you encourage new staff and existing colleagues to join TSSA online. Every additional member helps our collective strength and our ability to bargain on your behalf, it is also only TSSA members who decide who represents you, so it is another important reason to ensure as many people as possible are in TSSA membership.