SDC Nominations – We need you!
Since my last communication, no-one came forward to show interest in standing for the Stations Divisional council. Which is extremely worrying. If going forward there are reorganisations or TUPE transfers etc that affect Stations grades, then SDC is where those issues will be consulted upon via your representatives.
Now is the time for people to stand to represent their colleagues and receive the necessary training and support to ensure that we can effectively represent and protect members. Thankfully we have more time to inform GWR of who the TSSA candidates are and the deadline is now 7 September 2021, but please dont delay!
The nomination process covers the following positions:
Constituency | Grades represented | Number of positions |
Former FGW Sales Grades | CS Assistant, CSA, CSS | 2 – (1 seat covering Paddington to Bristol Parkway and 1 covering Chippenham to Plymouth) |
Former FGW TSSO | CO3, CO4, CO5 | 1 |
Former Thames Trains Salaried | S2, S6, S9, S10 | 2 |
Former Wessex Salaried | S2, S6, S9, S10 | 2 |
If you are interested in applying then you need to be a TSSA member, have 6 months’ service with GWR and be within the relevant grade and constituency to stand for the position. You can apply by filling in a nomination form and getting 6 TSSA members from the same constituency to nominate you and returning it by email to by Tuesday 7 September 2021.
Nomination forms can be accessed online. Candidates may face an election depending on how many are successful in being nominated.
What do SDC reps do?
Firstly, it is important to point out that you will receive paid release to both perform your duties and attend the necessary training that TSSA will provide, but you will also receive support both from other trade union representatives and the full-time officer Alan Valentine.
In relation to the role as well as working with other Union representatives, being the point of contact for TSSA in your constituency and assisting members on an individual basis you will negotiate on issues affecting the staff within your constituency and the Stations function such as:
a) Grade structures, remuneration systems and related terms and conditions of employment affecting employees
b) Promotion, transfer, Redundancy and Resettlement Arrangements
c) To deal, through avoidance of disputes procedure, with failures to agree on collective questions recorded at local level.
d) Agree and review local staff representative constituencies as appropriate.
You will also consult on issues such as:
a) Changes in working practices
b) Implementation of agreements reached by the company Council including discipline, welfare, travel facilities, general medical standards, company employment policies and procedures
c) Arrangements for implementing Company Franchise obligations
In order to fulfil the role, it is imperative that you liaise with members and local reps so that they can both have a say in what decisions are made but are also up to date on what discussions and agreements have been made with Stations management. It is also a key part of the role to recruit non-members into TSSA so that they have a voice through you as the rep and protections at work, non-members can join online.
All terms of office for the above positions will run until 31/12/2023
Please note there are a number of Local Stations Representative roles (LDC positions) which have gone unfilled in the recent election process run by GWR, so please consider putting your name forward for one of these and, if interested, contact Alan Valentine on or 07775912829. There are several positions that have been vacant for some time and need to be filled.
Please be aware Alan will be on leave after 19 August so, ideally, any question you have should be made before this date. If not you can call our members' Helpdesk on 0800 328 2673.