Pay bargaining to start with HS2
TSSA members at HS2 will be collectively bargaining for pay for the first time ever. TSSA is the recognised trade union for directly employed staff at HS2, which means the company needs to bargain with us on pay and other terms and conditions. Later this month your reps will be meeting with the company to discuss our pay claim for 2022.
Following our Pay Survey in 2021, your reps have fed back to the company your frustrations with the pay system at HS2. In December we submitted our Pay Claim to the company, based on member feedback and supported by the evidence gathered by TSSA around the economy, industry practice and other benchmarks.
Keep up with the latest development on pay by attending the weekly member meetings led by your TSSA Reps. For more information contact your rep team today.
We are pleased HS2 is now taking action to address our pay claim entered in December 2021. In the face of rising living costs, the company needs to work with TSSA to find a sensible solution.
TSSA is the union for directly employed staff at HS2. That means HS2 can only negotiate with TSSA for your terms and conditions and any changes to them. If you want to have a say on your pay and other terms and conditions, then join TSSA today.