TfW Rail Services Station grades 2019 pay survey

Your views are important tell us what you want from the 2019 pay claim by 22 February 2019.

As in past years we are writing to seek your views on our priorities for this year’s pay negotiations. This will enable us to formulate a pay claim reflecting your aspirations. Without your input early on we cannot ensure that our negotiation stance will match with your wishes so please spend a little time completing our survey.

Please complete the survey online.

Please encourage your colleagues who are TSSA members to complete the survey or at the very least speak to your representative. If you have colleagues who want their opinions known but aren’t a member of any trade union then please encourage them to join online and have their say. 

Pay Claim

Your representatives know how important the pay talks are for you, which is why we are asking for your feedback early.

Your representatives are seeking to submit the TSSA pay claim well in advance of the July anniversary date and will also be looking to start pay talks early to give us the best chance of resolving talks in advance of that date.

Please ensure that you complete the survey by 22 February 2019 so that we can formulate a pay claim well in advance of the anniversary date. 

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