TfW Rail Limited Pontypridd relocation

Transport for Wales train at Cardiff Central station platform

Dear TSSA members

We are writing to update you on the recent consultation exercise we have had about the long-standing proposal to relocate those staff based in St Mary’s House in Cardiff to Llys Cadwyn in Pontypridd. For a number of reasons including the covid pandemic the relocation has been postponed and we know that this has caused a lot of uncertainty for those colleagues in scope. We are pleased to inform you that we have now received a consultation proposal which has been thoroughly vetted and the purpose of this communication is to seek your views. Please only complete the survey if know you are required to relocate workplaces. The survey can be accessed by clicking on this link and will  close at noon on 04/03/22.  

The proposal has been developed over a long period of time and the company is very keen to offer colleagues as much flexibility and choice as possible. There are a few issues that we would like to highlight before you read the proposal for yourselves. 

Please note that the default compensation elements which are enshrined in your contracts of employment are the mileage allowance and the PDTA arrangements. If you decide to opt for one of the other choices, you are essentially agreeing to a variation of your individual contractual terms and conditions. This is an important consideration in the eventuality that you are unable to reach an agreement with your line manager. In this situation the default compensation elements would apply. You do not need to enter in these discussions alone and would advise you to consider taking a TSSA union representative with you. We would like to stress that this proposal applies only to this relocation and should not set a precedent for any future relocations.  

The purpose of the associated survey is to seek your views as to whether you accept this proposal and which option you are currently considering. Please note that this will need to be subject to an agreement with your line manager and therefore at this stage is an indicative position only. We will treat this survey confidentially although we have agreed to share with the company some general feedback about the popularity of each compensation element. Your feedback will help inform the next phase of the consultation and will shape the final proposal.  

We think that this is a good package and thank the company for their flexible approach however if you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to get in touch.  

Please check your membership information is correct 

If you haven’t already, please ensure that your work details like job title, workplace, department etc are up to date along with your home address and contact details. You can do this direct online by registering for MY TSSA via: 

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TfW Rail Limited Pontypridd relocation proposal

TfW RL Pontypridd relocation



TfW RL Pontypridd relocation proposal

TSSA members attending a rally

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