TfW Rail Limited 2022 Stations Pay Referendum
Dear member
Please vote yes to accept the TfW Rail Limited 2022 stations pay offer
We are writing to you to seek your feedback on this year’s 2022 pay offer for the stations grade. Your reps have done an excellent job of representing your interests and have endeavoured to secure the best deal they can however we have now reached the end of the process. We present the offer to you below and want to acknowledge that during the process of the negotiations the offer has evolved over time. We have been in regular discussions and have come to you when our team agreed that there was a fully formed offer to present.
Please click here to give us your views on the offer by 15 November 2022 your reps are recommending that you accept the final offer as presented below. We thank you for your patience and apologise for the short referendum window however the company has confirmed that if the offer is accepted by the deadline they can apply the increase on 2 December which means that you will receive your backpay before Christmas.
The core pay claim applicable to all grades is set out below and while the productivity elements differ by grade, we fought hard for all our members to receive an equivalent percentage pay increase.
This is a 9-month deal, with a commitment to bring forward the pay anniversary date from 1st July to the 1st of April going forward.
2. A collective pay offer of 4.5% across all grades with a minimum increase of £1,500* per full-time equivalent (*colleagues earning less than £33,350).
3. A one off non-consolidated payment of £1,000 will be awarded to colleagues earning less than £33,350, to support addressing the difference between our lower and higher pay groups.
4. A commitment to no compulsory redundancies for the period of the original Grant Agreement.
5. An increase in Maternity leave from 12 weeks full pay to 26 weeks full pay (eligibility from July 1st 2022).
6. An increase in Paternity leave from 1-week full pay to 2 weeks full pay (eligibility from July 1st 2022).
7. An agreement to provide spouse / partners of staff a Travel pass on the same terms it is offered to staff that leave TFW RL e.g., Retire, ill health (eligibility from July 1st 2022).
8. Productivity Elements:
a. Stations: The pay offer of 4.5% will increase to 6.6% for agreement of the following productivity element.
i. A Station-by-Station review of local working arrangements, to be undertaken by Station Management Teams with local and Station Company Council representatives.
Have your say now by clicking on this link and completing the survey by 15 November 2022.
We currently have several rep vacancies so please get in touch if you would like to get more involved in your union.