GWR: TSD Representative Elections
As our previous nomination period only yielded 1 new Rep (Tom Bennett) there is still a vacancy existing in the Train Service Delivery constituency. This means that we need to run a nomination process for the vacant seat for the remainder of the 3-year term of office.
Representative constituencies
Below are the full list of Representatives in TSD & Rostering & Resources (R&R)
Swindon = 3 representatives (Grant Wrenn – who also sits on company Council, Tom Bennett, plus 1 vacancy)
Outbased (Not in Swindon) = 1 representative (Simon Bubb)
Swindon = 2 representatives (Steve Clifford & Stuart Wall)
Your reps are incredibly important and as well as providing support and advice to members, they take part in consultations and negotiations with the employer as part of the Joint Council and Company Council raising issues on your behalf and for your betterment.
Representative nominations
To be a representative for the TSD Joint Council, you must:
- work within one of the above constituencies where there are vacancies
- have a minimum of 6 months service with GWR
- receive 6 nominations from other TSSA members within the relevant constituency that you are standing for
To obtain a Nomination form, click here, save & print it. Please fully complete the form with your details, obtain the names details and signatures from 6 valid nominees and then scan and email it to Alan Valentine by clicking here
Nominations should be received no later than 9am on Wednesday 12th October 2022
Any questions should be directed to Alan Valentine.
If at the closing date there are more valid nominations/candidates than seats for the relevant constituency then I will make arrangements to run an election. If at the end of the nomination period there are 1 or less valid nomination forms then any candidates will be declared elected unopposed.
If you wish to see the full collective bargaining agreement that enables us to have Union reps in TSD & R&R you can read it by clicking here
All representatives will be entitled to paid time off to carry out their duties and receive training and for that matter talk to colleagues about the benefits of joining a trade union as per Procedure Agreement 5 – Time off for Trade union Duties and Activities – to read this click here
Thank you in advance for those that come forward and again to Chris and Alex for their hard efforts I wish them every luck in the future with their respective employers.
Strong Membership
Remember you have won the right to have collective bargaining by having a majority of colleagues who recognise the importance of collective strength by being members of and being part of the TSSA family. Please never forget that, pass the message on like a baton to those that follow and ensure that you encourage new staff to join TSSA online.