TSD Recognition Framework
TSSA is close to winning collective bargaining for Managers in the Train Service Delivery (TSD) department.
ACAS talks
I’ve received confirmation from ACAS that Great Western has agreed to our proposed framework, which will enable us to achieve voluntary recognition (Collective Bargaining) for the TSD department. The framework provides for TSSA and GWR to send respective membership and staff lists of the TSD Department to ACAS this Monday for them to independently verify our membership density.
If we demonstrate a strong membership above 50% + 1 then GWR have to agree to a collective bargaining agreement with us for the whole department. We have also built in a fallback of a separate check just for those in Swindon within the department just in case we fall short in the wider department, but we are confident of success.
We believe we have more than half of the department in membership and a higher density with those staff based just in Swindon, but this is based on some guess work so the more members we have the stronger chance of success and of course we want to smash it!
This has only been possible by the hard work of our reps and members recruiting colleagues to join TSSA on the ground. So, if there is anything you can do to encourage a final push for more people to join TSSA online before 9am on Monday 26 July it will demonstrate to GWR what a strong position TSSA is in to bargain on your behalf. Remember TSSA is YOU, so please encourage non-members to join as strong membership helps each one of our members.
It is important to add that this opportunity has been spring boarded from the success that we had in the statutory process for the Controllers (Trains Service Controllers), which gave us leverage and has shown GWR that managers want collective bargaining and are willing to demonstrate that desire by joining TSSA.
TSSA want managers to be treated fairly and equitably across the company and with so much industry change going on at present, it has never been more important to have strong union membership, please consider encouraging other manager colleagues to join!