Network Rail Pay Talks Update 19 July
Your National Reps across all bargaining groups held pay talks with Network Rail on Monday, 18 July. The company provided clarifications on some aspects of their pay offer and will be providing additional answers to questions raised by your Reps.
There will be further talks on Wednesday, 20 July for Bands 5 to 8 and equivalent and Controllers, and on Thursday, 21 July for Bands 1 to 4.
We will update you again on any progress following these talks.
In the meantime, we are currently considering re-running the Bands 1 to 4 strike ballot. As a reminder 68.2% voted "Yes" for strike action in Bands 1 to 4, but this was just short of the legal threshold of 40% of all members entitled to vote.
In Solidarity,
Your TSSA Organising Team