TSSA wins again!

Older woman in wheelchair and younger woman hugging her. Depicting carer.

Carer's Leave for all

Our Union has long been campaigning for additional time off for members with caring responsibilities.

Together with the Network Rail Carers Network, we held a very successful event on 24 November 2022 highlighting the need to do more to support employees who look after others, providing vital support to vulnerable people.

We raised the issue at the National Policy Council and again during pay talks.

After some protracted discussions, we can now announce that Network Rail has agreed to allow registered Carers to swap "Volunteer Days" for "Carer's Days" providing greater flexibility for Carers without the need to use Annual Leave or unpaid leave to fulfil their responsibilities. This applies to all grades including management staff.

The offer from NR had not been formalised so we therefore had not announced our win. However, recent social media leaks from other interested parties have placed the matter in the public domain before the ink is dry on the deal.

Nevertheless, nothing can spoil what is a significant result for our union and importantly for TSSA members who are Carers.

Together we are changing lives.

London Allowance - General Grades

We have agreed some improvements to London Allowances for General Grades members. The detail of this has to be worked through but, again, premature social media leaks from others, means we feel it is important to communicate where we are at.

Next Steps

Further information will be issued once formal agreement has been signed on both additional elements.

In solidarity,

Network Rail Organising Team

The rail industry is facing significant changes. Make sure you and your colleagues have a voice in shaping the future.

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