TfL action short of strike
This is the text of a template letter TSSA members should send to their line manager to inform them that they are engaged in action short of strike and will not be participating in their personal P&D process.
This action is not taking place in London Underground & members in LU should participate in their normal personal P&D process.
Template letter
To: [insert name of manager]
I am a TSSA member taking part in lawful industrial action relating to a legitimate trade dispute at TfL.
I am entitled to participate in lawful action without recrimination from my employer.
As part of the industrial action short of strike notice, TSSA has instructed members:
- Not to buddy or mentor agency staff within Customer Experience roles
- Not to work beyond their contractual hours. This includes all non-contractual overtime, refusing out of hours phone calls, taking full meal breaks at the correct time and VDU breaks from the computer.
- Not to volunteer for Travel Ambassador duties or any other duties outside their Job Description
- Not to participate in my personal Performance and Development Review process (including non-participation in My Journey)
I would be grateful if you would refrain from making further requests which conflict with the industrial action I am taking.
I realise that this action may cause you difficulties, and is not something that my Union or I embark upon lightly.
The industrial action will be called off if TfL negotiate a reasonable settlement to the ongoing dispute regarding Pay for Performance. I hope that you can use any influence you have to encourage the Leadership Team to engage with my TSSA in Representatives in a meaningful sense.
[insert name]
TfL action short of strike template letter
TfL action short of strike – template letter – Updated Sept 2021
TfL action short of strike – template letter – Sept 2021
Non-participation in PD Review process - FAQs
FAQs - Non-participation in the Performance and Development Review process, including MyJourney
Readinesss and Development Plan
Your TSSA reps have developed this proforma to enable members to have conversations with their managers about their ‘readiness’ and development without needing to log into and use the MyJourney application that replaces the Performance and Development process that is one of the strands of our action short of strike. We have done this in response to members concerns that they may suffer detriment if their manager doesn’t properly engage with them on the matters that are outside of the action short of strike and are in their interest.
Readiness and Development Plan for TfL members
Readiness and Development Plan for TfL members
Member advice from our Helpdesk
If you are a TSSA member and are looking for advice or assistance in connection with your employment or membership, you can contact our Members’ Helpdesk.
We can advise on a range of workplace issues including; discipline and grievance hearing, maternity rights and redundancy.
Helpdesk opening hours: 09:00 - 17:00 Monday - Thursday | 09:00 - 16:00 Friday
Please note: we cannot undertake to provide advice to non-members, to members of other unions, or to members on behalf of their partners/friends. If you are not yet a member, please join TSSA online.