New TfL deal must end ‘sticking plaster mentality'

TfL signage in Stratford station ©Donnacha DeLong

TSSA General Secretary, Manuel Cortes, has called on the Government to end its “short-sighted short-termism" amid reports of an emerging deal with Transport for London (TfL) lasting until the end of the financial year.

TSSA – the biggest union in TfL – has long been critical of short-term deals from Government, arguing that proper investment rather than deep cuts is needed across the capital to pave the way for a wider Covid recovery.

Commenting, union leader Cortes said: “A deal which takes us through to next Spring is just more short-sighted short-termism from this Conservative government which is nowhere close to what is needed at TfL.

“Only meaningful long-term financial commitment from Ministers will provide the stable financial underpinning our great capital city and our country’s wider economy needs.

“Take away the spin and the party games the Tories are so fond of playing and you are left with cuts of up to £1billion in TfL’s budget. That is totally unacceptable, as is the fact that unlike other world cities London has no operating grant and relies largely on fares.

“Our London Mayor, Sadiq Khan, has been right to point out the economic madness all this entails. The pandemic is still very much with us, but we can’t keep the country running without a fully funded and safe transport network.

“So let’s see a proper deal and an end to the sticking plaster mentality in Government.”

*TfL's current funding deal is due to expire on Saturday (11 December).

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